Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Culture,Communication and Intercultural Relationships

Introduction Studying intercultural communication and relationship between culturally diverse groups in the work setting is important because it assists employees and employers in catering for experiences and characteristics of different people within an organization. Cultural diversity is made of various aspects of human existence for instance gender ethnic, age and racial differences.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Culture,Communication and Intercultural Relationships specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It also caters for those who have disability and different religious orientation. Most importantly, the focus upon diversity ought to be on individual working style, output, communication techniques, role level, level of performance and economic significance. This paper addresses the importance of cultural diversity, intercultural relationships and communication in the work setting. Reasons for Encouragin g Diversity in the Workforce The main aim of encouraging diversity in the work place is to tap talent and unique qualities along these dimensions. Both the employer and employees must focus on the differences and similarities presented to the workplace. Cultural diversity is an influence over individual identity and perspective to promote performance. Diversity goes beyond legally specified dimensions to offer non-discriminatory opportunities and affirmative statutes within the work setting. When there are intercultural relationships, the workplace is free of non-discriminatory instances and the management are able to support the association through the organization culture. Cultural diversity within the firm is therefore an element that represents dignity and respect for all, in the aim of encouraging knowledge or experience gain and team strength. Advantages and Disadvantages of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace To begin with, cultural diversity boosts the company’s compe titive situation in the market. Unlike the early days when marketers thought that a good or service was universally acceptable, cultural diversification enables people to understand that different cultures demand for different taste of the same product or service. Large chain stores like Wal-Mart or Woolworths are in a position to establish the best way of presenting their products, depending on location due to their involvement of intercultural relationship especially in their marketing departments (Booyens, 2008). Today we see a business scenario where small and medium sized companies are able to give big company a run for their money because they understand the concept of trading in a multi-cultural setting. The technological advancement of the twenty first century creates openings for engaging in technological aspects and resources such as the internet trading, which assists to overcome the physical boundaries.Advertising Looking for research paper on communication strategi es? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is an opportunity to provide companies with cultural richness especially in terms of knowledge gain. Having people from different countries (cultural backgrounds) enhances knowledge and thus promoting trade (Martin and Nakayama, 2009). A business with ethnic diversity can easily serve a wide base of clients without much effort, considering the ease for workers to relate with different clients. The different cultures therefore have diverse representation in the firm, to enhance sharing of common aspects and promote business functions. There is a wide and equally diverse and well-balanced pool of knowledge created by diverse cultures in the workplace. Knowledge is power to gain experience, creativity, customer support or participation, lasting results and eventually long-term high profit margins (Booyens, 2008). Contrary,different cultural background also hinders acceptance and non- discrimina tion in the work setting and this are the barriers to enhancing diversity in the workplace. In some cases, the differences are a source of conflicts, group-work failures and thus fall of business operations. This eventually leads to poor economical growth. As much as it supports growth, diversity issues can also be negative and a hindrance to development if they lack proper implementation procedures. Importance of Understanding Cultural Diversification at the Workplace Implementation of cultural diversity at the workplace should be subsequent to strategically planning. If one is able to understand the difference between his/her culture and that of the co-workers, then it is possible to enhance inspiration. This is achievable through infusion or integration of the cultural differences such as analysing and deciding on the right understanding within the group differences and thus led to implementation of business procedures. Cultural diversification ought to apply from the top executi ves, who should show commitment and emphasize on importance of diversity. When the top executives understand the importance of diversity, it is easy for them to foster the same to employees, thus reduce diversity-related conflicts. Execution or change management must involve the top administrators who provide an upbeat measure of solving diversity related conflicts by regularly emphasising on its benefits to the firm.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Culture,Communication and Intercultural Relationships specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The business cultural commitment to diversity requires legal gazetting with the external regulatory bodies, in the aim of emphasizing on the consequences regarding intercultural conflicts. In relation to Booyens writing (2008), a company need to have programs for performing prior training on employees to show whom to deal with counterparts from different cultural setting. Arguably, it is impossible for employees to have an immediate understanding of the complexity involving different cultural groups. However, the employees must understand the importance of being careful on issues regarding stereotyping, language differences, time differences and individual versus collective mindset, as a measure of avoiding or resolving diversity related conflicts. Fostering cultural diversity/unique communications at the workplace Promotion of cultural diversity in the workplace ought to take place before commencement of hiring. This means that one should include diversity in the business plan. In line with Pride et al (2009), discovery of strengths or benefits of an action occur well prior to proper planning. â€Å"These calls for the management to be responsive over recognizing†¦, respecting and capitalizing on various aspects of the society mainly regarding ethnicity, race and gender† (Pride et al, 2009). A good manager should note that even outside t he work setting; one finds exposure to various cultural practices. Importance of intercultural communication The main and frequently utilized measure of encouraging work performance culture in a firm entails methodologies of enhancing communication. A good communication system encourages employees’ procedure of questioning and seeking guidance through departmental groups. A company ought to encourage human resource representatives or management to take into consideration all the employees’ point of view as a management strategy. They should participate in decision-making and policy implementation procedures especially on matters concerning their performance requirements. This helps in avoiding conflicts during performance. It is important to communicate a leadership vision. The written code of ethics requires enhancement of principles of reporting the wrong acts. There ought to be an easy and safe way of reporting violations and questionable proceedings. â€Å"The emp loyees should be in a position to deliver bad news to the management without the fear of negative career repercussions† (Booyens, 2008). They also need to be reassured of immediate actions or investigations. Performance Expectations Leadership styles and discipline are the key defining elements for creation and management of a good communication relationship. Organizational culture is the systematic procedures regarding performance of duties. It is the guide of the employees’ thoughts, actions and feelings. Lack of proper management on this aspects or performance culture among employees’ causes perplexity or stymie by some bureaucratic processes and eventually leads to conflict.Advertising Looking for research paper on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The organization culture has its basis on discipline, which promotes the decision-making and direct accountability over performance. With such discipline, there are clear expectations and commitments. There has to be management proactive measures to block abstractions of performance. Performance requirements present the ample need for the existing ethnical groups to develop a way of learning, understanding, appreciation and accepting each other’s ethnic group. This would involve the understanding of differences involving culture, history and economic backgrounds. Conclusion According to Martin and Nakayama (2009), a good system capitalizes on the employees strengths while minimizing on the weaknesses. The differences between employees’ culture should entail proper usage, to strengthen understanding and enhance stronger bonds through team works as a measure to capture global clientele. An entrepreneur should know that diversity is something more than mare moral obligati on or a necessity for a business, but it is also a business opportunity. Cultural diversification in the work place promotes trustworthiness, acceptance, honesty, free interaction, group work, sharing of ideas and comments. This means that the organization is able to derive talents that are more valuable and promote peace and success. A good multicultural environment addresses conflicts and exposes the unfulfilled commitments. It provides alternatives and encourages sharing of real opinions. Understanding the importance of intercultural relationship assists in provision of good policies and procedures in the workforce. Cultural diversity therefore defines the employees’ requirements, expectations, mutual understanding, interdependence and positive results. The management must understand and depend on the effectiveness and multi-talents of the staff and implement methods of peacefully eliciting them. This means that the employees focus more on learning and building on their st rengths through interactions, agility, confidence, simplicity and need to blend well with others, to enforce the vision and mission of an organization. Works Cited Booyens, Susanne. Introduction to Health Service Management. Juta and Company Ltd. South Africa. 2008. Print. Martin, Judith. Nakayama, Thomas. Intercultural communication in contexts. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2009. Print. Pride, William. Hughes, James Kappor, Jack. Business. Kentucky KY: Cengage Learning Publishers. 2009. Print. This research paper on Culture,Communication and Intercultural Relationships was written and submitted by user Arya D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

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