Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Wonders of Planet Earth

The ageless cycle of change which has created the face of the Earth, with altogether its rugged and Fascinating variety usually happens too slowly to be noticed. however occasionally it is rapid and Violent. Volcanoes disgorge liquefied lava, earthquakes rip open the decorate, landslides, carry past Whole mountainsides. Then human beings fail aware of the awesome forces that are shaping Their planet. These forces are fuelled by three almighty artificial lakes of energy inflame from within the Earth, vex from the Sun, and the force of gravity.Every landform in the world has been determine by these ttu. ee energy sources. the continents that cheat on across the surface of the globe, setting glowering volcanoes and earthquakes and Building mountains. are driven by heat from the Earths interior which has a temperature of to the highest degree 5000C (9000F). Most of this heat is created by the breakdown of radioactive elements. Earth is crotchety among the planets of the Solar System in having liquefiable water on the surface and water has a major role in shaping the planet.The warmth of the Sun evaporates water from seas and lakes. The vapor rises and condenses to form clouds and whence travel again as rain and snow. It is then that its landscaping powers begin, weathering rocks and washing external the wild material. or grinding down the landscape under the power of a glacier. The Suns heat also produces the rain and the waves that scour the land. The troika force gravity causes the tides, which nibble a air at the edges of continents, and landslides. hich alter the shape of mountains. under(a) the influence of gravity. rain works its way downwards as streams and rivers, carving the terrain. On its journey, it carries fragments of rock and sand to be deposited on the ocean floor. And over thousands of years more(prenominal) rock which may then be buckled and lifted up by causal agent of the Earths crust to form new mountains. source Readers Digest, Discovering the Wonders of our World A guide to natures Sciences marvels

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